Tag: effects pedal

  • Pedal workshop Noisebridge #3

    Pedal workshop Noisebridge #3

    Thanks to everyone who came to the last pedal building workshop at Noisebridge. I was impressed with the enthusiasm! We demoed some pedals talked about populating the PCB and identifying the correct parts and placing them in the correct locations on the PCB and soldering. The next workshop is scheduled for Saturday, March 4th, 1…

  • Prototyping Guitar Pedals

    Prototyping Guitar Pedals

    This is post for anyone interested in getting started making your own guitar pedals and prototyping your own PCBs. I like making guitar pedals and synth modules. I’ve built more than a few of each. When I started, some of the first modules I built were done on perf-board and strip-board, then I moved to…

  • Stompbox Studies – Class 1

    Stompbox Studies – Class 1

    Want to build your own effects pedals? A good place to start is understanding how transistors work. Transistors are those three-legged devices seen populating many stompbox circuits. Transistors are a core building block in electronics. Integrated circuits, like op-amps, are made up of many transistors! Transistors are used in all of the circuits you’ve heard…

  • Vulcan v1.1

    Vulcan pcb built up. This is version 2.

  • Milling a PCB

    effectpedal: Making PCBs on the Othermill. Designed in Eagle. I played with the trace size. The default traces in the bantamtools DRC is really small. The 8mil traces are easily damaged.

  • Pile of PCBs

    Building some ugly faces

  • Vulcan by Joe Davisson

    This is Joe Davisson’s Vulcan overdrive. Starting with a prototype board made at home with the Othermill, then turned this into a board from OSHPARK. Boxed up and is working well. This is an interesting overdrive with a couple unique circuit features.

  • Box of Rock clone

    Box of Rock bootleg in process. Milling the box on the Bantamtools Othermill.

  • Jack Deville Dark Echo

    Jack Deville Dark Echo.

  • Pedal Shelf

    Pedal shelf

  • Electra Moded

    Electra with mods.

  • 6 Big Muffs

    Big Muff Army. Six mini big muffs each a different version.